The last two weeks seem to be about settling in to this new routine. There have been some challenges for sure, especially last week when Mike & I were both sick. It was hard to pass by a restaurant and just pick up some food when we wanted because we didn't feel well enough to cook. It was also difficult to avoid the TV. We both wanted to lay around and vege out to some bad TV. We might have watched more than six hours but not by much. We did allow ourselves our one time eating out during that week so all in all we maintained.
This week I have been struck by how relatively easy these changes have been. Really, the greatest challenge is sticking to the food budget. Food is just crazy expensive. I actually enjoy looking around the house for things before I buy them. It is like my personal treasure hunt. It sounds weird but finding something and getting rid of it has feels rewarding! Maybe I have a secret fear of becoming a hoarder. All I know is clearing out things feels good. I have almost gone through all the tiny hotel soaps and lotions! Next is checking out what is in the medicine cabinet. Six years of various sundries. Who knows what's in there? I am hoping to find some Udder Butter, a cyclists intimate friend when riding a lot of miles. We are out of this vital product.
One of the best rewards so far? We have already paid off one credit card and we aren't even two months into this project. The goal of having no debt other than our house is in view. This time next year it will be a reality. So when we are being lazy, greedy or whiney about our experiment, I just remember the impetus for taking this on and the rewards keep surfacing.
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